Sunday, January 26, 2020

2020 Virgo Horoscope: Ready or Not

Year Cards: 1st House & Hermit
Song: Ready or Not - The Fugees 

*Note: As the year progresses, you may find that this post is updated to reflect the patterns your sign is experiencing. If you need a personalized reading to see how your individual horoscope looks for 2020 please visit

Ironically, your yearly cards appear at first to be sending contradictory messages. The 1st house is associated with self expression and identity. Whereas the hermit card (linked to Virgo in tarot) is introspective, personal, and seeks answers from within.  Virgo will continue to undergo a period of deep thought,  but also will work on allowing who they are to show on the outside. Instead of hiding their reflections, Virgo needs to allow others to benefit from their introspection by sharing more of themselves with the world.

Virgo's 5th house is busy this year. Besides short-term transits, Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter are there together for most of the year. The Virgo prefers dealing with matters they can analyze and understand. They often bury themselves with tasks often ignoring their need for joy and creativity. However, the 5th house energy will force Virgo to contend with tapping into their talents and abilities. Saturn and Pluto are harsh planets that have been having some Virgos seesawing between their responsibilities and need to enjoy what they truly like - you are certainly learning a lesson, - some of us about what happens once we ignore our responsibilities. Be careful not to let your need for fun and joy to lead to ignoring what has to be done. Saturn is karmic and will dish out whatever we've been working toward - good or bad.

However, Jupiter allows for us to expand whichever house it's in. Virgo, everyone knows you work hard, so now it's time to also allow for creative expression and not just work on tasks. You can show more of your abilities and gain more recognition at this time even though you don't tend to like the spotlight. With Jupiter being in Capricorn, some Virgos can stand to do things they love that helps with their stability and goals.

Venus will be in your 10th house around April for a few months. At this time, you may feel able to identify what you love about your career or follow your true passions. You may feel more connected to your career at this point, or some even meet a potential partner in the workplace. A lunar eclipse in Gemini the 10th house in November will cause some Virgos to come to terms with their true ideas about their career aspirations. Saying or doing what you truly feel can be on the horizon at this time, but remember Gemini energy is curious, free-spirited and

Neptune in your 7th house continues to be there and will be for several years. At this point you're finding you may attract people who are spiritual in nature. For some it's not literally romantic partners, but rather you tend to find and attract  people who have similar idealistic views about life or are more in touch. With Pisces on your 7th house cusp, this is an ideal time for you to attract people who you vibe with on an intuitive and introspective level. You have the ability to connect with those who need healing or help, but make sure that you are not becoming a magnet for needing people.

Now, Mars in your 8th house for a couple of months allows you to tap into your ability to really put your deepest aspirations into gear. Mars is aggressive and potent, but it prefers to be in the 8th house since it and Pluto rule this house. Even though Virgo prefers Mercurian energy, you can find that you can afford to be more aggressive in your development once Mars lands in that house

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