Tuesday, December 31, 2019

January Horoscopes for All Signs

Intuitive Card Reading Pairs for Each Sign
Aries2 of Pentacles + Aries
 This month may feel dominated by responsibilities at work and home. Usually, you prefer a "choose your own adventure" life but you can't ignore the heavy influences in your 10th house of career and reputation. You may feel compelled to show others your true abilities making you feel somewhat like a Capricorn in that respect. The lunar eclipse will occur in your 4th house which is associated with the family sector as well as your own emotional stability and sense of security. You may have to acknowledge the real way you feel about someone or something. If not impacting you directly, emotional strife can emerge for family members. It's easy to become stressed or frustrated  but you have to remember you don't usually let fear or stress impact you all that much. The 2 of Pentacles & Aries energy cards indicates it's time to show people that you aren't just one dimensional and can handle life when many things come at you at once.

King of Swords + 5th House
Simplicity is usually your goal, but self-expression and direct communication will be especially important this month. You may feel restless in the house this month so engaging in something mentally stimulating outside the home may help ease feelings of boredom. The Sun enters your 10th house on the 20th & Mercury (planet of communication)  presents itself there as well. This allows you to become slightly more forward thinking in your career and where you see yourself. It is at this time, where you can make the biggest impression - it's okay to go slightly outside of the norm. The lunar eclipse occurs in your 3rd house indicating you may need to communicate more effectively with those close to you, or will be forced to contend with information you have to process emotionally.

Wheel of Fortune + 8th House
Your cards show there are no easy, direct answers this month, Gemini.  Many planets being in the upper half of the Gemini chart shows an inclination to be focused on others. Pay attention to how the fate of others impact your outcomes. The resources others have, the knowledge others have, the experiences others have can help you find direction. As a free spirit, you tend to use others as a source to converse with, not as a source of guidance. However, you may feel that you have no choice but to allow others to play a part in your progress this month. The 8th house card aligns with the fact that 60% of planets will be in or move to the 8th house this month. The lunar eclipse occurs in your 2nd house indicating that collaborating and relying on those close to you may be more important than independence.

Page of Cups + Jupiter 
You've not felt as tied to your responsibilities lately and have been enjoying some sense of freedom. However, there are some planets lingering that can be impacting health (mental or physical). It's best that you not wait until situations become worse to take action. You'll be your best self when you've taken care of yourself. The lunar eclipse occurs in Cancer this month in your 1st house. Evading emotions, hiding emotions can cause you to project these issues onto the world.  The 1st house is our public image, so ensure your emotions don't color the perceptions people have of you by proactively facing your feelings before things become too much.  Retreating away may feel like the safest thing now, but there is energy showing there are people around you who will help you if you let them.


Death Card (Reversed) + Neptune
Since last year, you've had to contend with deeper commitments and responsibilities. Many of you are going through a period of discovery and transformation. This is especially important since your lunar eclipse in Cancer occurs in your 12th house, a very hidden and spiritual house. This coincides with you getting the Neptune card, the ruler of the 12th house. Also, Neptune has been in your 8th house [the Death card is linked to the 8th house] for several years. You may feel a sense of wanting to understand more about life or your purpose.  This is an very internal process you must undergo but if feeling lost, finding people who have an understanding of spirituality can help you feel less confused.  Though you prefer the light and the happiness that life can provide, going through this period will help you better understand life and others in a more in depth way as opposed to only surface level.

Queen of Swords (Reverse) & Cancer
Sifting through the details and the specificity of everything is what usually drives you. However, we all have to deal with our feelings at some point or another. Reconnecting with those you have emotional ties to may be important this month. In fact, you may feel less "Virgo", and more like a Water sign in some ways. This is good because it forces you to not just analyze, but also "feel" which brings an extra layer to your keen awareness. The lunar eclipse occurs in your 11th house of groups, associations and friendships. Revisiting friends, reconnecting with friends, or reevaluating the state of certain relationships can become important lessons for interpersonal growth. Finances improve after the 13th when Venus enters Pisces.

The Sun + Scorpio 
You may have to approach this month by processing your true feelings, while also saving face and appearing strong. The lunar eclipse occurs in your 10th house of career. This brings about reevaluation for some regarding your career or public image.  This is likely to be something you've already thought about before but that you simply feel more intensely this month. This doesn't lead to making impulsive decisions, but rather helps you identify if where you are matches what you feel. The Scorpio card showing up in your reading shows a need to be strong-willed and loyal to what you feel inside.  This is a lesson to help you not straddle the fence of indecisiveness but see how your actions truly affect your life so that you can feel more confident and empowered later on.

The Moon (Reverse) + Leo
It's hard to tell what you feel based on it being a very internal process. This month you may need to open up more to those around you. You have a very busy fourth house, especially as the Sun enters the 4th house on the 20th forcing some of you to feel you need to improve aspects of the family for the collective. The lunar eclipse in Cancer occurs in your 9th house of higher learning, beliefs, travel, etc. indicating some realization of aligning what you do with your morals, or internalizing when you have to shift your feelings and explore new horizons. This month is about allowing yourself to engage more with things outside of yourself in order to gain.

Page of Swords (Reverse) + 9th House
The 9th house rules Jupiter & your sign so it's only fitting this card comes up to show that you may feel more in your element, especially at the start of the month. You've over situations where you felt you had to do a lot of compromising and deliberating.  Many of you have started to look your finances differently as Jupiter in Cap  entered your 2nd house last month. Mars joins your 2nd house this month making you feel even more motivated to acquire security. However, the lunar eclipse occurs in the 8th house which is linked to depth, intense feelings, inheritance, control, etc. This could have an intense impact on your emotions because this is double Water energy. You may have to face feelings you have about areas in your life where there is an issue with control. Perhaps this is an area where you haven't allowed for enough reflection to understand how your emotional attitude to something truly influences you.

8 of Wands + Venus
There is a lot of self-actualization on the horizon even for those who have commitments to others. 8 of Wands shows more optimism and you've gotten signs to be more expressive these days. Due to  activity in your 1st house of identity, you may feel torn when the lunar eclipse occurs in your 7th house of partnership (epiphany about your relationships). Interestingly enough, Venus card shows up for you and the eclipse is occurring in the house it rules. You may feel confident in your personal pursuits, but also have to pay attention or simply become aware of one of the relationships in your life.  A Saturn-Pluto true conjunct (both in Capricorn) can impact you in modes of dealing with conflict and power so it's important to not get into unnecessary power struggles, while still standing your ground on what is important.

10 of Pentacles Reversed + 10th House
Both of your cards this month indicate themes related to reliability & Earthy energy. 10 of Pentacles is reversed so it's referring to feeling a lack of grounding in some area. The lunar eclipse in Cancer takes place in your 6th house of health, service and routine. This is an Earth house so this month you should pay close attention to the habits and routines you have in order to see what changes may need to be made. Keep in mind, you're also dealing with some spiritual energy indicated by 12th house placements and also the Sun and Mercury move into your sign this month. However, this presents the perfect opportunity to face reality and troubleshoot new ways of doing things to provide more structure in certain areas of your life.

King of Pentacles + Pluto

People have been experiencing a different type of you in the past year or so. You've been more outgoing in some area and beginning to tap into ways to bring what you care about to the surface. Mars moves into your 10th house of career on the 3rd, providing optimal opportunities to shine or be perceived as progressive and inspirational in your approach to how you do something. In fact, some of you could surprise people this month. The lunar eclipse takes place in your 5th house of fun leading to reflection on how you've been handling your social life lately. You could feel as though you've been missing out, or you've been relying too much on outward stimulation to make you feel happy when you need to take advantage of the placements creating more structure and ambition these days.

January Astrology

Before understanding our horoscopes, we should take note of the planetary shifts. Sometimes we may not feel directly and personally impacted by shifts but typically we at least see evidence of these shifts in others people, society, or the general energy around us.

Disclaimer: Those with specific placements in the following signs may feel this energy more naturally and that all of us should be aware in which specific house in our transit chart, are these shifts occurring. For instance, if Mars leaves your 12th house and now is about to enter your 1st house, be prepared to assert yourself, your ideas and belief systems way more poignantly. You could feel compelled to be more open and combative against anyone who you feel tries to control you. It would be during this transit, when the energy would align with you optimism and spontaneity in regards to your expression and/or desire to do something you've never done. Transits are a layer to our natal chart, and your specific birth chart will also impact the way the transit energy is directed. 

Jan 3 - Mars in Sagittarius

Mars was in Capricorn so the energy was more aligned with  doing  lot of  hard work. to produce an outcome. The focus for many was actions creating resources, stability and goals.  Some things may not have gone as fast as we have liked, but there was an air of patience and diligence since we experienced heavy Capricorn energy. Mars moving into fiery Sagittarius means we must now take what we have done to the next step. We are now moving with purpose and not just with the goal in mind for ourselves, but some belief what we do will be a message to everyone. Actions become more visible now and those who spent the Mars in Capricorn time grinding will see that you now can lift up the veil and put a spotlight on your actions that you hope others will see and accept.

Jan 10 - Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer
The December 26th Solar Eclipse forced many of us to face some aspect of our lives regarding our finances, goals, or ambitions directly. The Full Moon is a culmination of something as opposed to a New Moon, which sparks a new beginning and cycle of energy.  We didn't get too tied up in our feelings on the 26th because the Solar Capricorn Moon's direct and cardinal approach allowed  for there to be no ambiguity about outcomes. Pay attention to which house this lunar eclipse is occurring in since lunar eclipses evoke more of an emotional response from us. You could have an epiphany or have to directly face your true feelings or emotions and see how they have been working against or for you behind the scenes.

Jan 10 - Uranus in Taurus goes Direct. Uranus going direct indicates more progress in the experimental things we have been doing. It's possible we felt stuck even though we had new ideas or opportunities out of the norm. That great idea we had may finally start to show hints of sustainability. With this erratic planet going direct, we can capitalize more on spontaneity or forwarding thinking ideas to have a better foundation.

*Note: If the eclipse occurs in the same house as your Uranus or you have aspects in your chart to Uranus, you may find yourself allowing an emotion to express in a surprising way. This could however, allow you to feel relief from something that has been going wrong. 

Jan 13th - Venus in Pisces
Venus in Aquarius introduced a new aspect to some of our relationships, or maybe even introduced some single folks to someone new or not usually their type. Friendships with partners may have been more emphasized during this phase.  Venus in Pisces is exalted meaning that people will be feeling romantically motivated to appreciate love for love. People may feel more inclined to forgive at this time, or impending break ups are halted. Neptune's influence on Pisces can mean some of us may be less likely to look at the reality of our relationships. Some may be inclined to spend more money at this time because we can't forget Venus also relates to possessions and values. Venus in Pisces has a relaxed energy around money so it's important to realize we can't just forgo our responsibilities and only yield to what we imagine is a good investment.


Jan 16 - Mercury in Aquarius
Mercury's influence gives us an extra layer to the way in which we apply our natal Mercury to the current Mercury. In Aquarius, we become more open to ideas that don't fit conventional ideas. However, since it's a fixed sign, this doesn't mean our ideas are adaptable and direct - rather we communicate or speak from a place of already knowing. With Mercury in Aquarius we are not coming to deliberate like Mercury in Libra, or analyze like Mercury in Virgo, or probe for answers like Mercury in Scorpio. With Merc in Aquarius, the thinking is already done and it becomes time to project it to others and assume they will fall in line and begin implementing change with us. Being aware of different perspectives of others may be important at this time no matter how great or logical we believe our thinking to be.

Jan 20th - Sun in Aquarius
If we think of astrology as a continuum, we'll see that Capricorn does all the heavy work and strategic planning so that Aquarius can freely spark and create change that impacts groups and society over the individual. With Sun in Aquarius energy we abandon the restrictions of Capricorn and allow free thinking to take form; we also abandon emotional attachment here and focus on logic. Aquarius energy is rebellious but not for the sake of ego, but believing that their ability to be forward thinking is the best approach. Whatever you do, don't restrict this energy or try and control thoughts and experiences. Sometimes there is a need to go to uncharted territory. There is a less of a need to follow tradition like Capricorn and we begin to express unorthodox ways to accomplish specific goals.

Jan 24 - New Moon in Aquarius [Sun & Moon Conjunct]
An extra layer of Aquarius energy surfaces as the persona and the emotional filter of the Moon meet. Whether it directly impacts us or not, we will be able to observe this energy in some way. It's the perfect alignment of Aquarius energy allowing us to entertain new ideas but actually truly resonate internally with these specific ideas. When manifesting, we are creating new opportunities. For problems that exist, we are asking what have we not tried yet and what do we need to do. We are disconnecting from overly emotional attachments and thinking of the greater good. These are not haphazard ideas as we must remember the intelligence and logic of Aquarian energy still requires that our initiatives are thoughtful, and possible ideas.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

How to Deal with Your 12th House Energy

Disclaimer: This can resonate most with 12th house placements and those with heavy Pisces/Neptune energy in the birth chart. 

Astrology in its full capacity is complex and complicated though we often boil it down to Sun signs for simplicity. The problem with simplicity is it doesn't accurately help us evolve or transform. All houses have their meanings and challenges, but the 12th house is different because it is the most abstract house. Symbolically, as the last house of the zodiac, there is a lot of esoteric knowledge within the 12th house. The keywords associated are often spirituality, self-doubt, karma, hidden enemies, creativity, past lives, healing, etc. Whichever keywords you resonate with, it's important to understand its energy source is Neptune. Neptune is associated with dreams, illusion, fantasy, wishes, and desires. This is why placements in the 12th house can sometimes struggle with the harshness of the real world and like to retreat to their imagined world. The 12th house is a Water, Mutable house which makes it the perfect playground for our imagination and our dreams.  It is a Cadent house so it's not a house of impulse or action. Arguably, we all experience 12th house energy in some way (having imaginary friends as a kid, for instance), but when you have placements in the 12th house it creates a different dynamic.   Unlike, the identity house of 1st, or the money and possessions focus of the 2nd, or the learning process of 3rd, the 12th house is more complicated because it contains all the knowledge of the houses before it. There is an almost constant need to question, find purpose and to look beneath the literal for many people with these placements. In the extreme positive, a person activates and lives their dreams and in the extreme negative, one can become disillusioned or have too many escapist tendencies.

Tips for dealing with 12th house energy

1. Remember you have to live in the physical world and not just your ideal world.

2. The opposite house gives us balance. If you have 6th house placements that produce effort, usually you'll find you have balance and be able to dabble in the spiritual and the physical world without difficulty.

3. Whatever is your 12th house can be activated. There is this doom and gloom ideology that the 12th house is negative. Though your placements won't appear as they would in a different house, work on ways to manifest that energy on the outside.

4. In regards to #3, also remember 12th house people do need time to recharge. Whether you are a water sign, or not, you will have some level of sensitivity to wrongdoings or what you view as vanity, selfishness, or chaos.  Large crowds, overworking yourself, or being out of your own element for too long will drain you of energy.

5. No matter your sign, you will have to work on healing or helping others in some capacity. This does not mean become a martyr, but rather you will shine in areas where you can help others find enlightenment, even if it's behind the scene. Look to the signs in your 12th house to see what type of help you'll be able to provide.
How Each Sign Helps You - Video

6. Avoiding what you fear doesn't mean you won't be good at it. The 12th house is good at sometimes making us feel comfortable with living in the imaginary, so understand when sometimes you have to break free of that restriction.

7. When feeling depressed, CREATE, or do things associated with the sign in your 12th house.

8. Don't use being a 12th house person as an excuse to avoid others or to become anti-social. It's true that even when surrounded by others you can feel misunderstood or alone but sometimes you feel lonely because you intentionally isolate yourself.

9.  Take advantage of 12th house energy by realizing negative attributes of your sign or planet can sometimes be cloaked or  hidden because the house's energy is calm and unassuming. A Mars in Aries in the 12th house when Mars is positively aspected with Venus will probably not appear as dominant or controlling than another placement.

10. Though you often need to tap into your 12th house, you're allowed to have privacy and realize some things are just for you. Don't allow people to make you feel guilty.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Celebstrology Couples: Omarion & Apryl Jones and Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel

Note: This blog post is strictly for entertainment purposes. All information provided is using birth date information, facts, and insight using the tendencies of specific chart placements. The goal is to use those in the public eye to better understand the actions of particular astrological signs. * Without full birth charts and houses for all celebrities this is not a full birth chart reading but a general synopsis of their major placements.

#1 Omarion & Apryl Jones (and Lil Fizz) (A Scorpio, a Sagittarius and a Sagittarius)
Everyone wants to know how Scorpion Omarion feels about his former group mate, Lil Fizz and the mother his children, Apryl, dating. Though we would assume the Scorpio Sun/Cancer Moon would be crying about a "icebox where my heart used to be", he played it cool in a recent interview with DJ Vlad. The Sun sign represents the ego so typically a Scorpio Sun will  not be as  as consumed by personal ego or pride like the Leo. Scorpio Sun, however, have trouble with vulnerability, whereas a Leo Sun may take the offense and brag about how much better then are than a ex's new partner. Scorpio will keep any hurt, inside - assuming they felt deeply in the first place. A Scorpio/Cancer is going to "show you better than they can tell you" which led many to speculate he removed Fizz from the Millennium Tour this past week as a message for how he really feels about him dating Apryl.

As a Cancer Moon, we can assume that this may bother Omarion but this Moon sign will one way or another show you how they feel by showing a mirror. They may not say how they feel, but that Cardinal sign will ensure you feel it in some way or another, even if it's through passive aggressiveness. Some have questioned if Apryl entered a new union to get back at Omarion or embarress him, but he seems on the side of "it's above me now"   Apryl and Omarion's Sun and Venus signs conjunct (Sun in Scorpio/Venus in Sagittarius with a Sun in Sagittarius/Venus in Scorpio). At one point that drew them together as they understood each other on an instinctual level but a Venus in Sag can grow to feel stifled or consumed by the Venus in Scorpio. Sometimes they make rash decisions like assuming they've outgrown their relationship in exchange for someone new.  Both are Mercury in Sagittariuses which meant they may have expansive minds and varied interests to discuss but it can also cause verbal arguments. Mentally, they may have been on the same level, but not emotionally on the same level.  She is also a Gemini Moon and probably relied more on verbal communication and his Moon in Cancer just on general feeling. Both may have been left feeling a lack of understanding of each other's emotional needs. Now, Lil Fizz is a Sag Sun like Apryl and has a Mercury in Sag and Venus in Scorpio. Sagittarius is an optimistic,yet impulsive fire sign. Combine that with the Venus in Scorpio and it's obvious why they saw no problem connecting. Sagittarius can sometimes have issues with limitations and boundaries, whereas Scorpio energy feels compelled to be with the object of their desire. This is why they have offered no explanation for their relationship - to them, they're just going on impulse. Likewise, we will not see Omarion offering any explanation  soon either or declaring any hurt publicly. 

Click here to watch the full video

#2  Justin Timberlake & Jessica Biel (An Aquarius and a Pisces)
Justin Timberlake married to actress Jessica Biel recently was caught up in headlines over holding hands with a co-star at a restaurant. Recently, he admitted guilt but also said that nothing beyond that was happening and that him and his wife are laughing it off. Firstly, he's an Aquarius Sun/Sagittarius Moon and these individuals do tend to be easily inspired by ideas and concepts that are new and intriguing. However, as a Venus in Capricorn, he prefers someone who can give him the family life like Jessica Biel.  As a Pisces woman with a Venus in Aquarius she just might be laughing it off as he claims. Venus in Aquarians tend to not put restrictions on their partners, and assuming he claims it was innocent, she may not actually care as much we some others do. Now, she's also a Mercury in Aquarius and he is a Mercury in Pisces. Both signs tend to be very understanding, albeit for different reasons. To assume, Jessica didn't address it would be wrong. As a Moon in Gemini/Mercury Aquarius, communication would be very important to her.The aspects shared between them helps us see why they have been together for so long. However, as a Mars in Libra Pisces it is likely she is not going to go on a tirade against her husband in public. Mars in Libra thinks of others before acting and tends to want to avoid conflict. His Mars in Aquarius means he is willing to do things in a way that defies tradition. His guilt is mostly due to his Venus in Capricorn need to be perceived as loyal and dependable within love. Regardless of intentions, it's probable his Air and Mutable energy allows for him to go against what is expected or traditional for the same of experience. However, his vague response regarding the incident is heightened by Mercury in Pisces' ability to be elusive and not quite direct about the motive for what happened. Those waiting on a tell all about the moment from either partner will be waiting awhile.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

December Horoscopes

December Astrology
Major shifts are in store for all signs as the risk-taking, optimistic planet Jupiter leaves the sign it rules to link up with ambitious, serious Capricorn on the 2nd. Whichever house Jupiter shifts to this month in our charts will require us to take calculated risks while also expanding ourselves in some way. Mercury leaves the probing depths of Scorpio and enters broad-minded Sagittarius making some of us more open and direct about what is on our minds to encourage others. The Full Moon in Gemini will allow some of us closure and provide us with new lessons we have learned. Venus enters Aquarius on the 20th, summoning some of us to view love or our relationships in a new way. Out goes tradition - we may expand our love life in some way, or some singles depending on other aspects of the chart will meet someone new that completely goes against what you thought you wanted. The Sun enters Capricorn on the 21st bringing a new awareness to our sense of responsibility and duty. This will be especially important on the 26th with the eclipse in Capricorn which is likely to prompt some of us to take care of what is necessary in order to attain or achieve something that can be long-standing and foundational.

Horoscopes for the signs
Work ethic is a huge theme this month for many of you as there is some extra activity in your 10th house. Many of you Aries haven't been feeling much like yourself for several months now. Saturn and Pluto have already been there recently giving you a new sense of responsibility, but when Jupiter in Capricorn moves you may feel more of a need to take on new experiences that actually result in something useful. The Queen of Swords card shows that there is a need to be logical, so you whatever you focus on requires some thought before acting.  You're realizing the need to sacrifice something for the greater good indicated by the 8 of Cups card.

You've been forced out of your comfort zone for awhile now. Part of this has been some of you have felt like you've missed on some things and you're tired of taking the same old route. Once Jupiter moves into your 9th house, you'll feel a strong need to explore, travel, or broaden your horizons in order to accumulate more. Ace of Pentacles and Page of Wands indicates that you are thinking about how to initiate something that can make you feel more stable - you're open to many possibilities and are open to smart risks.

With Jupiter in Sagittarius in your 7th house for several months-year, many of you have been expanding yourself through your partnerships. However, with Jupiter moving into another sign and into your 9th house this month, you'll start to focus more on your own personal journey and seek to develop or expand yourself in some way that is more personal than interpersonal. This is clear with the Emperor card showing your need for achievement and also the 4 of Wands showing you feel the need to complete something you stopped.

This is a pleasant month for you to focus on your inner circle and family. Jupiter in Sag had you working hard on your everyday life and feeling rather drained. Jupiter's move into your 7th house in Capricorn allows you to focus more on your ability to relate and simply enjoy other people instead of always focusing on how to overextend yourself. You'll find yourself more balanced because you'd much rather work on your relationships than focus solely on the daily stressors of life. Queen of Wand and 6 of Cups shows there is a lot of energy between you and others from the past and that you have fond memories with so reconnecting with someone is possible.

You had a lot of family expectations on you while also trying to find what makes you happy. Jupiter in Capricorn moving into your 6th house helps you feel more accomplished and balanced with making things work in your daily life. The eclipse this month will take place in the same house so you are still in a cycle of focusing on your personal responsibilities and obligations. However, on the 20th, Venus in Aquarius moves into your 7th house. During its stay you may find yourself open to a new love interest or have a renewal in your relationship especially with the King of Cups card showing up for you. The Empress card hints also at creativity being important to you so its likely your outer expression catches the eye of others.

The previous months were you trying to deal with financial obligations and there was a lot on your mind. There will be a lot of activity in your 5th house of fun this month. Saturn and Pluto will be joined by Jupiter for awhile and also Venus for a little bit. This is the perfect time to take the serious energy of Saturn/Pluto to focus on something you actually love and care about to become something profitable and long-term. The Temperance and Chariot cards show that this is the perfect time to showcase something you've been patiently working on and use the positive energy in this house to be more confident.

Similar to Leo, Libra has had to deal with a lot of new family obligations for awhile leading some of you to neglect your own social well-being. During Jupiter's stay in your 3rd house, you may have enjoyed luck in regard to learning and your communication with others. With Jupiter in Cap moving into your 4th house, you are faced with expansion in your role within your family. This can be taking on additional responsibilities. However with Jupiter this is something you can handle. The Ace of Pentacles shows a new direction in your foundation and the Page of Swords shows that you may need to negotiate with others to be on the same page.

The Sun is in your 2nd house until near the end of the month indicating that you may have found yourself splurging a little more under the Sag Sun. With Saturn/Pluto in your 3rd house you've had quite a learning experience lately but you also have  stuck to your principles and ideals. You may find a new opportunity that requires you to be more open and this may help your career or finances since Jupiter in Cap will move into your 3rd house of communication. The eclipse that occurs this month will be in your 3rd house, making it likely that you may need to learn a lesson in that area. Similar to 3 other signs this month you have the Ace of Pentacles. A new decision regarding money will likely be initiated in some way. The Devil card indicates to be careful this month to lessons you've learned and to be more flexible at times and be open to receive the messages given to you.

Jupiter in Sag in your 1st house meant you were most likely feeling like your most authentic self. Jupiter's shift into Capricorn in your 2nd house will mean it's time to focus on expanding your possessions and stability. Since Jupiter rules you and was in your house of self, you will probably feel Jupiter's shift strongly. Similar to Scorpio, you also got the Ace of Pentacles/Devil card. In your case, you can seek a sense of stability you may not have but you also must ensure you don't rush and uncover what's needed in order to not be pushed into the wrong direction.

December may feel a little happier to you. You've been in the 12th house nebula focusing a lot on your inner feelings and been drawn to seclusion in order to expand heightened spirituality. With Jupiter moving into Capricorn and in your 1st house, you'll now get to release and express some of the inner work you've  done. For many of you, the release may be therapeutic since Jupiter will be in your sign and you are, after all, a Cardinal sign that likes to have direction. 9 of Cups and Queen of Wands card supports the idea that you may feel inspired and optimistic this month as you feel a temporary release from always prioritizing responsibility over happiness.

This past year or so has been filled with you meeting some good acquaintances and possibly networking in a way that has provided you with opportunities. However, some of you are a little exhausted at this point. Once Jupiter moves into your 12th house, you may find yourself feeling more introverted and aware of your inner spiritual needs. You may notice that in order to get what you want, you need to expand your awareness and knowledge of self. Though you're usually once to socialize and be with groups, you may find yourself more content with solitude during this time. The 9 of Pentacles and King of Cups indicates you are seeking more in your life. It's not that you're not grateful, but you know there are some personal things you want to improve in order to feel more passionate about what you have.

Career and your progress has been a focus for most of you lately making you more in tune with reality and not just your dreams. Now, it's time to use your network and connections to help you attain more as Jupiter moves into your 11th house of group associations and friendships this month. It's not just enough to open yourself up, but expanding your associations in a way that taps into the Capricorn "attainment. You also may feel frustrated by a lack of creativity but you are learning how to follow through and focus on tangible goals