Thursday, December 26, 2019

How to Deal with Your 12th House Energy

Disclaimer: This can resonate most with 12th house placements and those with heavy Pisces/Neptune energy in the birth chart. 

Astrology in its full capacity is complex and complicated though we often boil it down to Sun signs for simplicity. The problem with simplicity is it doesn't accurately help us evolve or transform. All houses have their meanings and challenges, but the 12th house is different because it is the most abstract house. Symbolically, as the last house of the zodiac, there is a lot of esoteric knowledge within the 12th house. The keywords associated are often spirituality, self-doubt, karma, hidden enemies, creativity, past lives, healing, etc. Whichever keywords you resonate with, it's important to understand its energy source is Neptune. Neptune is associated with dreams, illusion, fantasy, wishes, and desires. This is why placements in the 12th house can sometimes struggle with the harshness of the real world and like to retreat to their imagined world. The 12th house is a Water, Mutable house which makes it the perfect playground for our imagination and our dreams.  It is a Cadent house so it's not a house of impulse or action. Arguably, we all experience 12th house energy in some way (having imaginary friends as a kid, for instance), but when you have placements in the 12th house it creates a different dynamic.   Unlike, the identity house of 1st, or the money and possessions focus of the 2nd, or the learning process of 3rd, the 12th house is more complicated because it contains all the knowledge of the houses before it. There is an almost constant need to question, find purpose and to look beneath the literal for many people with these placements. In the extreme positive, a person activates and lives their dreams and in the extreme negative, one can become disillusioned or have too many escapist tendencies.

Tips for dealing with 12th house energy

1. Remember you have to live in the physical world and not just your ideal world.

2. The opposite house gives us balance. If you have 6th house placements that produce effort, usually you'll find you have balance and be able to dabble in the spiritual and the physical world without difficulty.

3. Whatever is your 12th house can be activated. There is this doom and gloom ideology that the 12th house is negative. Though your placements won't appear as they would in a different house, work on ways to manifest that energy on the outside.

4. In regards to #3, also remember 12th house people do need time to recharge. Whether you are a water sign, or not, you will have some level of sensitivity to wrongdoings or what you view as vanity, selfishness, or chaos.  Large crowds, overworking yourself, or being out of your own element for too long will drain you of energy.

5. No matter your sign, you will have to work on healing or helping others in some capacity. This does not mean become a martyr, but rather you will shine in areas where you can help others find enlightenment, even if it's behind the scene. Look to the signs in your 12th house to see what type of help you'll be able to provide.
How Each Sign Helps You - Video

6. Avoiding what you fear doesn't mean you won't be good at it. The 12th house is good at sometimes making us feel comfortable with living in the imaginary, so understand when sometimes you have to break free of that restriction.

7. When feeling depressed, CREATE, or do things associated with the sign in your 12th house.

8. Don't use being a 12th house person as an excuse to avoid others or to become anti-social. It's true that even when surrounded by others you can feel misunderstood or alone but sometimes you feel lonely because you intentionally isolate yourself.

9.  Take advantage of 12th house energy by realizing negative attributes of your sign or planet can sometimes be cloaked or  hidden because the house's energy is calm and unassuming. A Mars in Aries in the 12th house when Mars is positively aspected with Venus will probably not appear as dominant or controlling than another placement.

10. Though you often need to tap into your 12th house, you're allowed to have privacy and realize some things are just for you. Don't allow people to make you feel guilty.

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