Before understanding our horoscopes, we should take note of the planetary shifts. Sometimes we may not feel directly and personally impacted by shifts but typically we at least see evidence of these shifts in others people, society, or the general energy around us.
Disclaimer: Those with specific placements in the following signs may feel this energy more naturally and that all of us should be aware in which specific house in our transit chart, are these shifts occurring. For instance, if Mars leaves your 12th house and now is about to enter your 1st house, be prepared to assert yourself, your ideas and belief systems way more poignantly. You could feel compelled to be more open and combative against anyone who you feel tries to control you. It would be during this transit, when the energy would align with you optimism and spontaneity in regards to your expression and/or desire to do something you've never done. Transits are a layer to our natal chart, and your specific birth chart will also impact the way the transit energy is directed.@AmethystVirgo
Jan 3 - Mars in Sagittarius
Mars was in Capricorn so the energy was more aligned with doing lot of hard work. to produce an outcome. The focus for many was actions creating resources, stability and goals. Some things may not have gone as fast as we have liked, but there was an air of patience and diligence since we experienced heavy Capricorn energy. Mars moving into fiery Sagittarius means we must now take what we have done to the next step. We are now moving with purpose and not just with the goal in mind for ourselves, but some belief what we do will be a message to everyone. Actions become more visible now and those who spent the Mars in Capricorn time grinding will see that you now can lift up the veil and put a spotlight on your actions that you hope others will see and accept.
Jan 10 - Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer
The December 26th Solar Eclipse forced many of us to face some aspect of our lives regarding our finances, goals, or ambitions directly. The Full Moon is a culmination of something as opposed to a New Moon, which sparks a new beginning and cycle of energy. We didn't get too tied up in our feelings on the 26th because the Solar Capricorn Moon's direct and cardinal approach allowed for there to be no ambiguity about outcomes. Pay attention to which house this lunar eclipse is occurring in since lunar eclipses evoke more of an emotional response from us. You could have an epiphany or have to directly face your true feelings or emotions and see how they have been working against or for you behind the scenes.
Jan 10 - Uranus in Taurus goes Direct. Uranus going direct indicates more progress in the experimental things we have been doing. It's possible we felt stuck even though we had new ideas or opportunities out of the norm. That great idea we had may finally start to show hints of sustainability. With this erratic planet going direct, we can capitalize more on spontaneity or forwarding thinking ideas to have a better foundation.
*Note: If the eclipse occurs in the same house as your Uranus or you have aspects in your chart to Uranus, you may find yourself allowing an emotion to express in a surprising way. This could however, allow you to feel relief from something that has been going wrong.
Jan 13th - Venus in Pisces
Venus in Aquarius introduced a new aspect to some of our relationships, or maybe even introduced some single folks to someone new or not usually their type. Friendships with partners may have been more emphasized during this phase. Venus in Pisces is exalted meaning that people will be feeling romantically motivated to appreciate love for love. People may feel more inclined to forgive at this time, or impending break ups are halted. Neptune's influence on Pisces can mean some of us may be less likely to look at the reality of our relationships. Some may be inclined to spend more money at this time because we can't forget Venus also relates to possessions and values. Venus in Pisces has a relaxed energy around money so it's important to realize we can't just forgo our responsibilities and only yield to what we imagine is a good investment.
Jan 16 - Mercury in Aquarius
Mercury's influence gives us an extra layer to the way in which we apply our natal Mercury to the current Mercury. In Aquarius, we become more open to ideas that don't fit conventional ideas. However, since it's a fixed sign, this doesn't mean our ideas are adaptable and direct - rather we communicate or speak from a place of already knowing. With Mercury in Aquarius we are not coming to deliberate like Mercury in Libra, or analyze like Mercury in Virgo, or probe for answers like Mercury in Scorpio. With Merc in Aquarius, the thinking is already done and it becomes time to project it to others and assume they will fall in line and begin implementing change with us. Being aware of different perspectives of others may be important at this time no matter how great or logical we believe our thinking to be.
Jan 20th - Sun in Aquarius
If we think of astrology as a continuum, we'll see that Capricorn does all the heavy work and strategic planning so that Aquarius can freely spark and create change that impacts groups and society over the individual. With Sun in Aquarius energy we abandon the restrictions of Capricorn and allow free thinking to take form; we also abandon emotional attachment here and focus on logic. Aquarius energy is rebellious but not for the sake of ego, but believing that their ability to be forward thinking is the best approach. Whatever you do, don't restrict this energy or try and control thoughts and experiences. Sometimes there is a need to go to uncharted territory. There is a less of a need to follow tradition like Capricorn and we begin to express unorthodox ways to accomplish specific goals.
Jan 24 - New Moon in Aquarius [Sun & Moon Conjunct]
An extra layer of Aquarius energy surfaces as the persona and the emotional filter of the Moon meet. Whether it directly impacts us or not, we will be able to observe this energy in some way. It's the perfect alignment of Aquarius energy allowing us to entertain new ideas but actually truly resonate internally with these specific ideas. When manifesting, we are creating new opportunities. For problems that exist, we are asking what have we not tried yet and what do we need to do. We are disconnecting from overly emotional attachments and thinking of the greater good. These are not haphazard ideas as we must remember the intelligence and logic of Aquarian energy still requires that our initiatives are thoughtful, and possible ideas.
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