Sunday, January 26, 2020

2020 Pisces Horoscope: Power of Love

Year Cards:5th House & 10 of Cups
Song:  "Power of Love" - Luther Vandross

*Note:  These horoscopes are the general solar (sun) horoscope for each sign. Your in depth horoscope will be different and is based on using your birth chart information. For accuracy, combine the themes of the solar horoscope and the personal transits of your transit horoscope.  If you need a personalized reading to see how your individual horoscope looks for 2020 please visit

Your Year Cards indicate that expression and seeing projects or endeavors all the way through may be themes for many of you. This allows you to truly tap into what motivates you and use that to involve others in the process. Last year many of you were forced more to focus on the practical side of life, instead of allowing things to simply flow and be which many of you usually prefer. The energy this year allows for you to get a little bit more in tune with being yourself.

Saturn and Pluto in the 11th house denotes powerful potential to have a better sense of understanding of your social groups and also idealizing your true aspirations and dreams. In the past year or so, you may have felt more serious than ever about your future, and even found yourself worrying about the future and direction of your generation or society. You know that something in your life must change and that it's time to get serious now.  Sometimes Saturn and Pluto in this house can bring about oppositional people in your circle, remember Saturn will enter Aquarius eventually and that jolly Jupiter is there as well. You're finding yourself more open lately and meeting the right people. Not simply for the sake of giving more of yourself, or accumulating people to help as you often feel you do, but people who can be influential or assist you with your future.

This year you also are experiencing nuances in your communication and also your learning process. You're seeing more than ever that whatever is in a textbook or regurgitated isn't the only way you can build up your understanding. In fact, you may find that traditional types of learning aren't working for you, and you've started to do more unconventional types of receiving knowledge. You also may be coming across more diverse groups of people who have answers to some of the things you want to know. Technology is also an area where many of you have the energy to improve your knowledge of anything techy, or revolutionary since Uranus rules tech. The point is to use Uranus' placement in the Earth sign Taurus to acquire something that you can use once this particular transit is over.

Mars' influence on your transits make it feel like there may be changes within your financial status, but these are mainly temporary. There is actual potential to earn more or increase earning potential when it spends a lot of time in your 2nd house. Whereas Mars can often denote conflict, it's up to you to ensure you're up for the challenge when opportunities present themselves to you.

Aries Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope 
Gemini Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope
Leo Horoscope 
Virgo Horoscope
Libra Horoscope 
Scorpio Horoscope
Sagittarius Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope

2020 Aquarius Horoscope: Back in the Day

Yearly Cards: 6 of Cups and the Sun

*Note:  These horoscopes are the general solar (sun) horoscope for each sign. Your in depth horoscope will be different and is based on using your birth chart information. For accuracy, combine the themes of the solar horoscope and the personal transits of your transit horoscope.  If you need a personalized reading to see how your individual horoscope looks for 2020 please visit

Your cards express that warmth and joy may be themes this year. You also share one of the same cards this year as your opposite sun, Leo who also got the Sun card. Aquarius typically enjoys and thrives living in their own world, ready to share their very candid opinion on their own accord. More than anyone else, you understand the need to keep all options open and that society constantly needs to evolve or improve. However, reconnecting with loved ones or letting lose a little from on the edge of always needing to radically change aspects of your life may be a theme for many this year,

The heavy hitters to note is Saturn and Pluto who are traveling together. These intense planets are in your 12th house of spirituality. Typically, Aquarius energy is one around logic, theory, and what can be proven, but for several years Pluto has caused you to transform your ideologies and do a lot of self-reflection. Since the 12th house is a sensitive house, it's important to not allow depression or feelings to overwhelm you. As an Air sign unless you have significant water in your chart, you're not likely to automatically know what to do with feelings of doubt and introspection. However, Jupiter will join your 12th house until December. Jupiter brings luck and optimism. You can transform these powerful feelings and period of reflection to truly gain more personal insight. This is all about allowing yourself to "feel" and not feel like you're being a traitor to yourself if your realize not everything can be explained or overly logical and clear. Whatever you learn about yourself during this introspective period can be put into action when Jupiter moves into Aquarius later this year.

For past several years, many factors of your stability have changed. Some of you have moved a couple of times, changed positions, or simply changed directions. you're typically fixed in mindset, but this is due to Neptune's influence in your 2nd house. Neptune is in Pisces and wherever it is in a chart shows an area we may be finding our self being idealistic about. If it simply feels right, we may ignore logic and reason. You're learning how to get in touch with your base feelings.

Though you don't tend to be overly parental like Capricorn, family is an important obligation to you. Uranus moved into your 4th house last year. Uranus is in Taurus at the moment which means there may be some changes to your family. These are major changes that may have long-term effects. Many things happening are creating a new structure within the family dynamic.

Mars will be in our houses longer than usual. In your case, it will rest for a bit in your 3rd house of communication. This year you may feel an intense urge to learn more or explore more of the resources around you. Those of you looking to go back to school, or undertake new skills may find this the best time to do so. You also may feel more confident about what you know, or be more vocal so watch for the potential to get into verbal conflicts or arguments, especially with siblings or those close with you.

Aries Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope 
Gemini Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope
Leo Horoscope 
Virgo Horoscope
Libra Horoscope 
Scorpio Horoscope
Sagittarius Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope

2020 Capricorn Horoscope: Boss B

Year Cards: 10 of Swords & The 10th House
Song: Boss B****-Doja Cat
*Note:  These horoscopes are the general solar (sun) horoscope for each sign. Your in depth horoscope will be different and is based on using your birth chart information. For accuracy, combine the themes of the solar horoscope and the personal transits of your transit horoscope.  If you need a personalized reading to see how your individual horoscope looks for 2020 please visit

Two 10s showed up in your year cards which is interesting because 10s symbolize authority and leadership which is what Capricorn energy is all about! Also, the 10th house is ruled by Saturn  showing that many of you feel more in your element these days. Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter are in Capricorn for the time being. Now, the 10 of swords reminds us that we have to learn from harsh situations and admit when we have reached the turning point and need help. Typically, Capricorn doesn't let setbacks control you anyway, but with the 10th house energy career and reputation are important as well. To get what you want, you have to use what and who is resourceful around you.

Expansive, risk-taking Jupiter is now in Capricorn. This is an optimal time to take calculated risks and trust that you can achieve what you want even if the plan isn't so structured and specific. Risks are more productive at this time.

You've been feeling more experimental lately with your activities since Uranus entered the 5th house of fun last year. Some of you are trying new things and experiences, while others are trying new hobbies or simply allowing themselves to break out of the protective image you sometimes like to convey. Uranus is in Earthy Taurus, so you won't take a new outlook on freedom too far. For many of you spending money on what you enjoy, or on experiences can make you appreciate not just goals, but enjoying life for what it is. For others, many events involving others may have started to pop up i.e weddings, parties, etc.

You tend to prefer matters of the 10th house which are concrete and tangible, but Mars will be in your 4th house for a couple of months. This can shake up matters within the family or require for conflict to be resolved. There can be power struggles, or simply you having to do more for the family, or your household.

Now, romantic relationships tend to be the status quo, similar to Sagittarius. This does not mean that you won't find romance as we would need to look at an individual's entire transit chart, but that any love will typically need to be pursued and not assumed it will come your way. The 7th house does experience eclipses this year which can bring about strong feelings towards partnership which can range from reliving emotionally emotional turmoil from the past or allowing yourself to be vulnerable to another person.

Aries Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope 
Gemini Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope
Leo Horoscope 
Virgo Horoscope
Libra Horoscope 
Scorpio Horoscope
Sagittarius Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope

2020 Sagittarius Horoscope: Push It

Year Cards: 7th House & Ace of Wands
*Note:  These horoscopes are the general solar (sun) horoscope for each sign. Your in depth horoscope will be different and is based on using your birth chart information. For accuracy, combine the themes of the solar horoscope and the personal transits of your transit horoscope.  If you need a personalized reading to see how your individual horoscope looks for 2020 please visit

Your year cards suggest that relationships and initiation will be important this year. You may start to learn about how to relate to others outside of having an agenda or a particular ideology you want those around you to have and value the simplicity of companionship. Many of you may be relearning how to view relating to others in a new way as well as actually embarking a new endeavor. You're often inspired, but now you are have the potential to do something that can be more stationary instead of a fleeting spark of inspiration.

Last year, Jupiter was in Sagittarius - your sign which is rules. It was also in your 1st house so you probably felt the most optimistic and like yourself. Now that Jupiter has shifted into Capricorn in your 2nd house, a light has been shined on what you truly value and need to secure. Many of you have adopted a new mindset about your security and financial needs. Last year many of you gave new meaning to "treat yourself" and saw the ramifications of not sticking true to your goals. Your ability to reflect has many of you more focused on concrete goals.
 Saturn and Pluto are in the 2nd house to teach you how to be more structured and intense about your goals. You tend to think money grows on trees, especially if you get a regular paycheck, but lately have felt more compelled to have a sense of stability. As a reminder, we need to control Pluto energy and use it to maintain and almost obsessive control over our goal, or Pluto will use all of its powerful energy to control us. Jupiter can lessen the blow, but by December, Jupiter will move into the next house.

Illustrious Neptune continues to be in your 4th house of home and family for the past seven years. You're idealizing your home and probably your family structure. You have a compassionate attitude toward those you care about right now which will last for several more years until Neptune moves into your 5th house. You find it easier to show your emotion through actions than sentiment, but you're learning important lessons about empathy right now.

Uranus in Taurus in your 6th house of service, health, and work indicates in the past year you've probably switched up your routine in some way. You're doing this to find what works the best for you and are willing to try different things to get to that point. As Uranus stays in this house for awhile you may find it easier and more necessary to be responsive to the growing demands of your everyday life.

Love is not a huge focus based on your chart transits but it is a year card. Partnership in some regard will be a theme. As a reminder, partnership can extend to business, people on the same path as us, or simply someone who compliments or collaborates with us. However, for those who want to find love, it's best to put yourself out there or remain open-minded as the energy is not quite aligning fate at the moment to find the ideal person. This doesn't mean you won't but that you may have to go out more or manifest what you want in a partner.

Aries Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope 
Gemini Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope
Leo Horoscope 
Virgo Horoscope
Libra Horoscope 
Scorpio Horoscope
Sagittarius Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope

2020 Libra Horoscope: Love and War

Year Cards: Venus and 6 of Wands
*Note: As the year progresses, you may find that this post is updated to reflect the patterns Aries is experiencing. If you need a personalized reading to see how your individual horoscope looks for 2020 please visit

Venus is your ruling planet so it's auspicious that it shows up as your card for the year. Along with the 6 of Wands, you may experience feelings of enthusiasm and vigor. You may begin to feel more like yourself this year as opposed to last year's demands. It's not that you can't handle the harshness of life, but you feel more productive being in a state of balance and consistency. Too much conflict forces you to show a side of yourself you're not very proud of. The Victory card (6 of Wands) appearing suggests how some of you feel that you've overcome something difficult. This doesn't mean it may never resurface but that you've endured something that you now will be better prepared for in the future.

Many of your planets are in the western part indicating a reconnection with your social life and friends which is not surprising with Venus' influence and the Wands card. Dreamy Neptune has been in your 6th house for several years. You've felt less of a need to be strict and regimented and have started to enjoy life for what it is. Neptune prefers to be in the 12th house, the opposite house of the 6th house. These means that you've been focusing on your dreams lately, or realizing that life is too precious to waste time. Many of you may have found spirituality in the past couple of years, or have a new outlook on how you tend to live your life. You're focused more these days on what you want to do and what you dream of doing rather than following the status quo.  Many can benefit from spiritual health or healing at this time.

Your 4th house has a lot of energy showing that familial obligations could continue to be a theme. Not only is Saturn there but also Pluto. Paying attention to the health of family members is important at this point. These are intense energies indicating that there are transformation lessons happening. This is not just for the home sector but also you undergoing an audit of your own emotional responses and need for security. It's time to not only use your typical pleasantries and social graces  but truly connecting with the emotional needs of others. Jupiter in Capricorn also will be in your 4th house until December. Though those planets can bring harshness, Jupiter can bring luck and optimism. Family changes can be turned into a positive, buying properties may or expanding the family in some way may emerge.

 Mars spends some time in your 7th house for a couple of months. It is at this time where you may feel a sense of intensity in this area of your life. For some this may be a fiery, new romance that ignites a sense of curiosity and drive. The attraction may be strong, but there can be something getting in the way of the relationship in its purest sense (this may especially be true if the person is a Capricorn).  However, Mars brings conflict so you are also learning how to resolve conflicts and even have to take a stand instead of staying neutral. You soon will understand that through conflict can lift the veil off a situation and provide people with the discomfort needed for progress.

Aries Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope 
Gemini Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope
Leo Horoscope 
Virgo Horoscope
Libra Horoscope 
Scorpio Horoscope
Sagittarius Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope

2020 Virgo Horoscope: Ready or Not

Year Cards: 1st House & Hermit
Song: Ready or Not - The Fugees 

*Note: As the year progresses, you may find that this post is updated to reflect the patterns your sign is experiencing. If you need a personalized reading to see how your individual horoscope looks for 2020 please visit

Ironically, your yearly cards appear at first to be sending contradictory messages. The 1st house is associated with self expression and identity. Whereas the hermit card (linked to Virgo in tarot) is introspective, personal, and seeks answers from within.  Virgo will continue to undergo a period of deep thought,  but also will work on allowing who they are to show on the outside. Instead of hiding their reflections, Virgo needs to allow others to benefit from their introspection by sharing more of themselves with the world.

Virgo's 5th house is busy this year. Besides short-term transits, Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter are there together for most of the year. The Virgo prefers dealing with matters they can analyze and understand. They often bury themselves with tasks often ignoring their need for joy and creativity. However, the 5th house energy will force Virgo to contend with tapping into their talents and abilities. Saturn and Pluto are harsh planets that have been having some Virgos seesawing between their responsibilities and need to enjoy what they truly like - you are certainly learning a lesson, - some of us about what happens once we ignore our responsibilities. Be careful not to let your need for fun and joy to lead to ignoring what has to be done. Saturn is karmic and will dish out whatever we've been working toward - good or bad.

However, Jupiter allows for us to expand whichever house it's in. Virgo, everyone knows you work hard, so now it's time to also allow for creative expression and not just work on tasks. You can show more of your abilities and gain more recognition at this time even though you don't tend to like the spotlight. With Jupiter being in Capricorn, some Virgos can stand to do things they love that helps with their stability and goals.

Venus will be in your 10th house around April for a few months. At this time, you may feel able to identify what you love about your career or follow your true passions. You may feel more connected to your career at this point, or some even meet a potential partner in the workplace. A lunar eclipse in Gemini the 10th house in November will cause some Virgos to come to terms with their true ideas about their career aspirations. Saying or doing what you truly feel can be on the horizon at this time, but remember Gemini energy is curious, free-spirited and

Neptune in your 7th house continues to be there and will be for several years. At this point you're finding you may attract people who are spiritual in nature. For some it's not literally romantic partners, but rather you tend to find and attract  people who have similar idealistic views about life or are more in touch. With Pisces on your 7th house cusp, this is an ideal time for you to attract people who you vibe with on an intuitive and introspective level. You have the ability to connect with those who need healing or help, but make sure that you are not becoming a magnet for needing people.

Now, Mars in your 8th house for a couple of months allows you to tap into your ability to really put your deepest aspirations into gear. Mars is aggressive and potent, but it prefers to be in the 8th house since it and Pluto rule this house. Even though Virgo prefers Mercurian energy, you can find that you can afford to be more aggressive in your development once Mars lands in that house

Aries Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope 
Gemini Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope
Leo Horoscope 
Virgo Horoscope
Libra Horoscope 
Scorpio Horoscope
Sagittarius Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope

2020 Scorpio Horoscope: Work To Do

Year Cards: 6th house and Chariot
Song: Work to Do" - The Isley Brothers

*Note:  These horoscopes are the general solar (sun) horoscope for each sign. Your in depth horoscope will be different and is based on using your birth chart information. For accuracy, combine the themes of the solar horoscope and the personal transits of your transit horoscope. Also, read the horoscope for your Moon and Rising sign to see what resonates most.
 If you need a personalized reading to see how your individual horoscope looks for 2020 please visit
The 6th house coming up in as your year card is connected to the house of daily routines, tasks, service, health and work.  The Chariot card shows something is not yet over for you and you're still trying to obtain a goal that perhaps you started last year.

There is a lot of energy in your 3rd house. Now, you're usually pretty fixed in mindset due to enormous inner will, especially you Scorpios with more than one Scorpio placement. However, this year also enables you to go through a period of learning. Though you want everything to be deep and purposeful, you sometimes have to start from square one.  Jupiter in your 3rd house provides the perfect opportunity to use your enthusiasm for something new to learn a new skill, or build onto what you already know. By admitting, you can stand to allow yourself to be curious you can gain the wisdom that Jupiter brings. While Jupiter is in your 3rd house, you may find that siblings or relatives are experienced positive experiences or even a new addition to the family.

Saturn and Pluto are together at the moment, but Saturn will then drop into your 4th house in the spring and then for a longer time in December. When in the 4th house, we are learning to examine our family structure and thinking of what we need to do in the long-term. We're cautious and methodical at that time. Some of you may invest in your home.

As far as relating to others, you've experienced relating to different types of people lately as Uranus is in your 7th house. Some of you are testing the limits of your relationship, or may even find yourself taking spontaneous trips, or wanting new experiences with your partner. However, Uranus in Taurus which is an Earth sign is there to remind us to try something new so that it becomes a part of our foundation and stability. Though you tend to keep a tight circle, since Uranus moved into your 7th house you may have found yourself more open-minded and mingling with people with different backgrounds.

Aries Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope 
Gemini Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope
Leo Horoscope 
Virgo Horoscope
Libra Horoscope 
Scorpio Horoscope
Sagittarius Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope

Saturday, January 25, 2020

2020 Leo Horoscope: Always be My Sunshine

Year Cards: 4th House & The Sun
Song: Always Be My Sunshine by Jayz featuring Babyface & Foxy Brown

*Note: As the year progresses, you may find that this post is updated to reflect the patterns your sign is experiencing. If you need a personalized reading to see how your individual horoscope looks for 2020 please visit

The core energy for Leo is aligned to your ruling planet, the Sun. Last year, there was a work burden on many of you that has eased up and have you doing more of the activities you actually enjoy. The 4th house card indicates your family life and inner feelings also a focus. Leo tends to have immense loyalty to their family so this year, you may be forced to be closer to family in some way as well as get in tune with what you feel on the inside and not just what you express on the outside. This is especially important Leo as two eclipses will be in your 12th house of spirituality. The 12th house is the absence of the ego or "the Sun". You may learn valuable lessons about who you are at the core without needing excess attention or praise. Also, though in Leo's solar horoscope the 4th house is empty, the energy expresses that there may be bouts with dealing with the needs and issues with family members.

Last year Uranus moved into your 10th house of career indicating a potential for a change in career, status, work location, etc. Uranus is still there expressing a need for you to experiment with different elements of your career. Even those of you who didn't change careers, may feel you're experiencing your career and responsibilities in a different way this year. Uranus is in Taurus, an earth sign known for practicality and comfort. The purpose of this transit for you is to try new things in order to feel more stable and structured in this area of your life.

Your 6th house of work has some serious planets along with optimistic Jupiter traveling there until the end of the year. Saturn and Pluto may have some of you working harder than you have before, but Jupiter shows this will be something that brings you enlightenment during this time. It's a lot of work, but it may not feel like a lot of work.  During this time, it may be good for any Leos who want have been having issues with losing weight to use the energy of Saturn and Pluto to strict to a regiment - just watch becoming obsessed.

Jupiter moving into your 7th house at the end of the year makes it more ideal for luck in romance, engagement, optimism with negotiations or partnerships. For people not looking for love, Jupiter in Capricorn in that house can make it a great time to focus on business deals. With Neptune in your 8th house for several years many who are single may be deeply devoted to finding the person of your dreams. It may seem like no one is good enough with some of you needing to also realize though Neptune can sometimes cloud our judgment with reality. You're also learning how to be more flexible with your dreams and ideals.

Mars will be in your 9th house of exploration and knowledge for about six months in 2020. Travel, new endeavors are likely even if it means some of you stay local and simply feel more invigorated to expand your understanding of life in a new way. Whatever inspires you, you're going to feel a need to experience and act on it.

Aries Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope 
Gemini Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope
Leo Horoscope 
Virgo Horoscope
Libra Horoscope 
Scorpio Horoscope
Sagittarius Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope

2020 Cancer Horoscope: Changes

Year Cards: King of Swords & Uranus
Song: "Changes" -2Pac 
*Note: As the year progresses, you may find that this post is updated to reflect the patterns your sign is experiencing. If you need a personalized reading to see how your individual horoscope looks for 2020 please visit

This year is an evolution of thought process for many of you. Most of the eclipses this year will have a direct impact on you, but what is especially strong this year is your social life. Though you will see by the end of the year you start to focus on more insular projects. Health is an area to focus on this year due to four planets that can cause some ailments (consult your physician for medical advice). However, it's important to understand that health is both mental and physical. Though an emotional reaction is usually your instinct, the King of Swords suggests a need to also execute using your intellect and logic when necessary.
You feel most comfortable in your element, but Uranus influences us to do what is outside our comfort zone for the sake of realizing change sometimes isn't mean to be comfortable.
Venus pops up in your 12th house for a few months this year which suggests that a hidden romantic situation can be on the horizon for some; whereas, others may experience a new outlook on relationships leading to needing to stay away from anything dealing with commitment right now.

Jupiter in Capricorn in your 7th house. Relating to others is especially important at this time, as is the potential for some Cancerians to gain from their interpersonal relationships. You may feel more prone to open up since Jupiter sheds light. Saturn and Pluto also are in the 7th house. Saturn in Capricorn is "Real" and forces us to face reality and get what we have earned, good or bad. Saturn doesn't care about our feelings, it cares about our input to give us the output.You're learning to see the reality and concreteness of certain relationships. With Jupiter traveling with Saturn and Pluto, this may not be as difficult of a time, but also keep in mind Pluto's controlling ways. You could face learning more about your interpersonal boundaries at this time.  If we don't control Pluto and set our own boundaries and restrictions, Pluto tries to control us so be wary of co-dependent relationships.

The home and family house has short-term transits. This doesn't meant to ignore them, but it means that some of you have taken on burdens last year and prior and now feel more inclined to focus on your own ambitions and needs. This can potentially cause tension with some family members if you're not careful.

Aries Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope 
Gemini Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope
Leo Horoscope 
Virgo Horoscope
Libra Horoscope 
Scorpio Horoscope
Sagittarius Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope

2020 Gemini Horoscope : It's All About the Benjamins

Year Cards: 3rd house and King of Pentacles
Song: "All About the Benjamins" - Puff Daddy, Notorious BIG, The Lox & Lil Kim

*Note: As the year progresses, you may find that this post is updated to reflect the patterns Aries is experiencing. If you need a personalized reading to see how your individual horoscope looks for 2020 please visit

Your cards show a need to capitalize on those near you or around you to help you attain true achievement. You're learning how to understand resources and development in a deeper sense. You may be learning how to go beyond ideas and see how to apply what you learn. Gemini, you're finding ways to redefine what success looks like through truly experiencing the process.

For many years you've been pondering off and on your purpose and your career. Though this is common for everyone, you've had a cloud over yours. Neptune in Pisces in your 10th house may have led to times of feeling you have your dream job and also feeling disappointed in the reality of jobs you've had. Neptune in this house allows us to sometimes have rose-colored glasses. Though it may feel confusing, in several years you'll reflect back and be able to use your myriad experiences to be around people who are more inspiring and on the same wavelength.

Uranus in Taurus [in your 12th house] went direct at the beginning of January. You've felt more radical or experimental, but this isn't something you've necessarily shared with others. All of the changes you've made in your life have been for your own benefit, even if others don't quite understand what you're doing. Usually, you involve others by divulging the most minute details about your life, but you've started to learn lessons about being solitary at times, especially those of you going through your Saturn Return.

Saturn in Capricorn will do a little dance between your 9th and 8th house from March - July. You're facing some harsh truths about yourself and others during this time, while also learning from someone else perhaps older or seasoned on how to be resourceful and responsible with money.
Though you are ruled by communicative, fast-paced Mercury and information and learning will always be a part of you, your lower  half of your solar horoscope doesn't have many big transits. Things may seem more impacted by others lately rather than truly personal. However, your top half is consumed with the majority of long transits showing that big ideas and the others will be important to you. You're learning not to just accumulate information, but how to turn what you know into purpose.

Pluto has been in your th house for several years and will continue to be; Saturn has been in the house since last year as well. You're developing as a person right now and facing some truths about yourself. Saturn will dive into the 9th and then the 8th a little this year which allows you to truly define yourself and what you believe.  Though you at the core have a capricious, free-spirited outlook, you've had to learn to deal with the depths of life which is a lesson you will remember even after these transits are long gone. You're learning where your boundaries are and how to execute them. Fast money is not a theme for many of you this year so you will earn based on what you have actually worked for and controlled. Jupiter is in your 8th house mostly all year shedding light on what needs to be done to transform and elevate your life. You're learning how to use wisdom, instead of fleeting information.

One of the bigger challenges this year is how the outer world and your associations and connections will be even more important in your development, but you also feeling a need to someones retreat and process life on your own.

Aries Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope 
Gemini Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope
Leo Horoscope 
Virgo Horoscope
Libra Horoscope 
Scorpio Horoscope
Sagittarius Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope

2020 Taurus Horoscope: Thinkin Bout You

Year Cards: 4 of Cups/ 8th House
Song: "Thinking Bout You" Frank Ocean

*Note: As the year progresses, you may find that this post is updated to reflect the patterns Aries is experiencing. If you need a personalized reading to see how your individual horoscope looks for 2020 please visit

Last year, Taurus was forced to undergo feeling a little out of their comfort zone. Other signs such as Pisces, Aries, and Libra also had to contend with experiences beyond their usual preferences. Evaluating your level of happiness in respect to your resources and feelings of evolving will be themes this year.

The fact that Uranus has been in your sign Taurus since last year means you have energy on your side to experiment a little more than usual with your foundation. Most of your endeavors are backed up by you truly allowing yourself time to make decisions and being cautious, so it's okay to shake things up a little bit where needed. Uranus in your 11th house means it feels at home to allow change since Uranus rules the 11th house. You're learning how to allow yourself to be part of groups influencing them with your dedication to be grounded in outcomes and still being a bit conservative.

There isn't a lot of activity in the 4th house this year with only minor transits moving in and out. This should make you happy that the foundation you've set for yourself in the household is pretty much stable for the most part. However, you may somehow have to be there for other family members as the eclipses occur in your 3rd house which relates to siblings. Pluto remains in your 9th house indicating you may feel more inclined to study in depth topics related to your ideologies and beliefs. Some may be more religious or anti-religious than usual as you try to deeply understand the truth. This can cause minor conflict if others around you don't understand your quest for exploration mentally and experimentally.  You have very little interest in anything these days that doesn't have a deeper meaning beyond the literal.  Saturn in Capricorn is also in your 9th house bringing out a more serious outlook these days. Jupiter travels with these planets until near the end of the year causing you to be more optimistic. Travel, especially for career, or for causes, can occur for many Taureans.

Near the end of 2020 is where you will feel and see the most opportunity for drastic change. Saturn prepares to move into your 10th house of career in December. Saturn rules the 10th house so you can seek rewards and have a career milestone but remember Saturn will only give what is earned. Daddy Saturn can grant you financial rewards or cause hardship if you've slacked in anyway
By the end of the year some of you will have a clearer understanding of the goals you have for yourself and how all the events of the year fit together.

Aries Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope 
Gemini Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope
Leo Horoscope 
Virgo Horoscope
Libra Horoscope 
Scorpio Horoscope
Sagittarius Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope

2020 Aries Horoscope: Go Deep

Year Cards: The High Priestess and 12th House
Song: "Go Deep" Janet Jackson
*Note: As the year progresses, you may find that this post is updated to reflect the patterns Aries is experiencing. If you need a personalized reading to see how your individual horoscope looks for 2020 please visit

Aries doesn't tend to dive as hard into esoteric and spiritual pursuits on the surface. This doesn't mean you never do, but  you're more into the science of everything, the how and applying the how. You'd rather "do" than "think" or "ponder". You'll find many more Aries who are about what they can visibly see or experience. Having an urge to navigate through feeling and introspection can sometimes be a struggle because you prefer to act and then decide what to do next. Neptune has been in your 12th house for many years ensuring that you are able to grow and evolve and not just constantly see adrenaline rushes. Whether directly or indirectly, you can or have benefited from the guidance of those who can help you spiritually. For the past year or so, you've wanted more than just experiences.

You've been trying to gain sense of everything and you may have slowed down some of your activities. Mars will be in your sign for awhile this year meaning that your actions will be of pure spirit and intention, while your ego will remain in tact. Uranus will remain in your financial house bringing some type of change in your mindset or experience with your money whether that means a higher salary, side job, or a change in money flow. However, now that Uranus is direct you'll notice even though some financial restraints may change, it will still allow for you to find foundation,

Career is another area where you will feel the most sense of fulfillment. You are working harder than probably ever this year and through it you've learned valuable lessons. You're finding that you're mastering your hardships and staying more consistent instead of jumping ship when things went wrong.  Jupiter in Capricorn moving into your 10th house of career where it will be for most of the year will help with you applying your restless energy with many smart, inspirational ideas that align with goals and a solid reputation.
Near the end of the year, Jupiter enters your 11th house providing you more opportunities to gain and experience luck from your acquaintances. Someone you meet may help you gain new experiences that can help you focus more on some of your goals and wishes.

Your cards indicate that you must learn to trust your instincts more. Sometimes you can be so excited you do what you feel is needed, but then it doesn't last you move on to the next endeavor instead of actually processing what has occurred.

Aries Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope 
Gemini Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope
Leo Horoscope 
Virgo Horoscope
Libra Horoscope 
Scorpio Horoscope
Sagittarius Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope