Sunday, January 26, 2020

2020 Pisces Horoscope: Power of Love

Year Cards:5th House & 10 of Cups
Song:  "Power of Love" - Luther Vandross

*Note:  These horoscopes are the general solar (sun) horoscope for each sign. Your in depth horoscope will be different and is based on using your birth chart information. For accuracy, combine the themes of the solar horoscope and the personal transits of your transit horoscope.  If you need a personalized reading to see how your individual horoscope looks for 2020 please visit

Your Year Cards indicate that expression and seeing projects or endeavors all the way through may be themes for many of you. This allows you to truly tap into what motivates you and use that to involve others in the process. Last year many of you were forced more to focus on the practical side of life, instead of allowing things to simply flow and be which many of you usually prefer. The energy this year allows for you to get a little bit more in tune with being yourself.

Saturn and Pluto in the 11th house denotes powerful potential to have a better sense of understanding of your social groups and also idealizing your true aspirations and dreams. In the past year or so, you may have felt more serious than ever about your future, and even found yourself worrying about the future and direction of your generation or society. You know that something in your life must change and that it's time to get serious now.  Sometimes Saturn and Pluto in this house can bring about oppositional people in your circle, remember Saturn will enter Aquarius eventually and that jolly Jupiter is there as well. You're finding yourself more open lately and meeting the right people. Not simply for the sake of giving more of yourself, or accumulating people to help as you often feel you do, but people who can be influential or assist you with your future.

This year you also are experiencing nuances in your communication and also your learning process. You're seeing more than ever that whatever is in a textbook or regurgitated isn't the only way you can build up your understanding. In fact, you may find that traditional types of learning aren't working for you, and you've started to do more unconventional types of receiving knowledge. You also may be coming across more diverse groups of people who have answers to some of the things you want to know. Technology is also an area where many of you have the energy to improve your knowledge of anything techy, or revolutionary since Uranus rules tech. The point is to use Uranus' placement in the Earth sign Taurus to acquire something that you can use once this particular transit is over.

Mars' influence on your transits make it feel like there may be changes within your financial status, but these are mainly temporary. There is actual potential to earn more or increase earning potential when it spends a lot of time in your 2nd house. Whereas Mars can often denote conflict, it's up to you to ensure you're up for the challenge when opportunities present themselves to you.

Aries Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope 
Gemini Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope
Leo Horoscope 
Virgo Horoscope
Libra Horoscope 
Scorpio Horoscope
Sagittarius Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope