Year Cards: Venus and 6 of Wands
*Note: As the year progresses, you may find that this post is updated to reflect the patterns Aries is experiencing. If you need a personalized reading to see how your individual horoscope looks for 2020 please visit
Venus is your ruling planet so it's auspicious that it shows up as your card for the year. Along with the 6 of Wands, you may experience feelings of enthusiasm and vigor. You may begin to feel more like yourself this year as opposed to last year's demands. It's not that you can't handle the harshness of life, but you feel more productive being in a state of balance and consistency. Too much conflict forces you to show a side of yourself you're not very proud of. The Victory card (6 of Wands) appearing suggests how some of you feel that you've overcome something difficult. This doesn't mean it may never resurface but that you've endured something that you now will be better prepared for in the future.
Many of your planets are in the western part indicating a reconnection with your social life and friends which is not surprising with Venus' influence and the Wands card. Dreamy Neptune has been in your 6th house for several years. You've felt less of a need to be strict and regimented and have started to enjoy life for what it is. Neptune prefers to be in the 12th house, the opposite house of the 6th house. These means that you've been focusing on your dreams lately, or realizing that life is too precious to waste time. Many of you may have found spirituality in the past couple of years, or have a new outlook on how you tend to live your life. You're focused more these days on what you want to do and what you dream of doing rather than following the status quo. Many can benefit from spiritual health or healing at this time.
Your 4th house has a lot of energy showing that familial obligations could continue to be a theme. Not only is Saturn there but also Pluto. Paying attention to the health of family members is important at this point. These are intense energies indicating that there are transformation lessons happening. This is not just for the home sector but also you undergoing an audit of your own emotional responses and need for security. It's time to not only use your typical pleasantries and social graces but truly connecting with the emotional needs of others. Jupiter in Capricorn also will be in your 4th house until December. Though those planets can bring harshness, Jupiter can bring luck and optimism. Family changes can be turned into a positive, buying properties may or expanding the family in some way may emerge.
Mars spends some time in your 7th house for a couple of months. It is at this time where you may feel a sense of intensity in this area of your life. For some this may be a fiery, new romance that ignites a sense of curiosity and drive. The attraction may be strong, but there can be something getting in the way of the relationship in its purest sense (this may especially be true if the person is a Capricorn). However, Mars brings conflict so you are also learning how to resolve conflicts and even have to take a stand instead of staying neutral. You soon will understand that through conflict can lift the veil off a situation and provide people with the discomfort needed for progress.
Aries Horoscope
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