Saturday, January 25, 2020

2020 Leo Horoscope: Always be My Sunshine

Year Cards: 4th House & The Sun
Song: Always Be My Sunshine by Jayz featuring Babyface & Foxy Brown

*Note: As the year progresses, you may find that this post is updated to reflect the patterns your sign is experiencing. If you need a personalized reading to see how your individual horoscope looks for 2020 please visit

The core energy for Leo is aligned to your ruling planet, the Sun. Last year, there was a work burden on many of you that has eased up and have you doing more of the activities you actually enjoy. The 4th house card indicates your family life and inner feelings also a focus. Leo tends to have immense loyalty to their family so this year, you may be forced to be closer to family in some way as well as get in tune with what you feel on the inside and not just what you express on the outside. This is especially important Leo as two eclipses will be in your 12th house of spirituality. The 12th house is the absence of the ego or "the Sun". You may learn valuable lessons about who you are at the core without needing excess attention or praise. Also, though in Leo's solar horoscope the 4th house is empty, the energy expresses that there may be bouts with dealing with the needs and issues with family members.

Last year Uranus moved into your 10th house of career indicating a potential for a change in career, status, work location, etc. Uranus is still there expressing a need for you to experiment with different elements of your career. Even those of you who didn't change careers, may feel you're experiencing your career and responsibilities in a different way this year. Uranus is in Taurus, an earth sign known for practicality and comfort. The purpose of this transit for you is to try new things in order to feel more stable and structured in this area of your life.

Your 6th house of work has some serious planets along with optimistic Jupiter traveling there until the end of the year. Saturn and Pluto may have some of you working harder than you have before, but Jupiter shows this will be something that brings you enlightenment during this time. It's a lot of work, but it may not feel like a lot of work.  During this time, it may be good for any Leos who want have been having issues with losing weight to use the energy of Saturn and Pluto to strict to a regiment - just watch becoming obsessed.

Jupiter moving into your 7th house at the end of the year makes it more ideal for luck in romance, engagement, optimism with negotiations or partnerships. For people not looking for love, Jupiter in Capricorn in that house can make it a great time to focus on business deals. With Neptune in your 8th house for several years many who are single may be deeply devoted to finding the person of your dreams. It may seem like no one is good enough with some of you needing to also realize though Neptune can sometimes cloud our judgment with reality. You're also learning how to be more flexible with your dreams and ideals.

Mars will be in your 9th house of exploration and knowledge for about six months in 2020. Travel, new endeavors are likely even if it means some of you stay local and simply feel more invigorated to expand your understanding of life in a new way. Whatever inspires you, you're going to feel a need to experience and act on it.

Aries Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope 
Gemini Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope
Leo Horoscope 
Virgo Horoscope
Libra Horoscope 
Scorpio Horoscope
Sagittarius Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope

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