Song: Boss B****-Doja Cat
*Note: These horoscopes are the general solar (sun) horoscope for each sign. Your in depth horoscope will be different and is based on using your birth chart information. For accuracy, combine the themes of the solar horoscope and the personal transits of your transit horoscope. If you need a personalized reading to see how your individual horoscope looks for 2020 please visit
Two 10s showed up in your year cards which is interesting because 10s symbolize authority and leadership which is what Capricorn energy is all about! Also, the 10th house is ruled by Saturn showing that many of you feel more in your element these days. Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter are in Capricorn for the time being. Now, the 10 of swords reminds us that we have to learn from harsh situations and admit when we have reached the turning point and need help. Typically, Capricorn doesn't let setbacks control you anyway, but with the 10th house energy career and reputation are important as well. To get what you want, you have to use what and who is resourceful around you.
Expansive, risk-taking Jupiter is now in Capricorn. This is an optimal time to take calculated risks and trust that you can achieve what you want even if the plan isn't so structured and specific. Risks are more productive at this time.
You've been feeling more experimental lately with your activities since Uranus entered the 5th house of fun last year. Some of you are trying new things and experiences, while others are trying new hobbies or simply allowing themselves to break out of the protective image you sometimes like to convey. Uranus is in Earthy Taurus, so you won't take a new outlook on freedom too far. For many of you spending money on what you enjoy, or on experiences can make you appreciate not just goals, but enjoying life for what it is. For others, many events involving others may have started to pop up i.e weddings, parties, etc.
You tend to prefer matters of the 10th house which are concrete and tangible, but Mars will be in your 4th house for a couple of months. This can shake up matters within the family or require for conflict to be resolved. There can be power struggles, or simply you having to do more for the family, or your household.
Now, romantic relationships tend to be the status quo, similar to Sagittarius. This does not mean that you won't find romance as we would need to look at an individual's entire transit chart, but that any love will typically need to be pursued and not assumed it will come your way. The 7th house does experience eclipses this year which can bring about strong feelings towards partnership which can range from reliving emotionally emotional turmoil from the past or allowing yourself to be vulnerable to another person.
Aries Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope
Gemini Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope
Leo Horoscope
Virgo Horoscope
Libra Horoscope
Scorpio Horoscope
Sagittarius Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope