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Intuitive Card Reading Pairs for Each Sign |
This month may feel dominated by responsibilities at work and home. Usually, you prefer a "choose your own adventure" life but you can't ignore the heavy influences in your 10th house of career and reputation. You may feel compelled to show others your true abilities making you feel somewhat like a Capricorn in that respect. The lunar eclipse will occur in your 4th house which is associated with the family sector as well as your own emotional stability and sense of security. You may have to acknowledge the real way you feel about someone or something. If not impacting you directly, emotional strife can emerge for family members. It's easy to become stressed or frustrated but you have to remember you don't usually let fear or stress impact you all that much. The 2 of Pentacles & Aries energy cards indicates it's time to show people that you aren't just one dimensional and can handle life when many things come at you at once.
King of Swords + 5th House
Simplicity is usually your goal, but self-expression and direct communication will be especially important this month. You may feel restless in the house this month so engaging in something mentally stimulating outside the home may help ease feelings of boredom. The Sun enters your 10th house on the 20th & Mercury (planet of communication) presents itself there as well. This allows you to become slightly more forward thinking in your career and where you see yourself. It is at this time, where you can make the biggest impression - it's okay to go slightly outside of the norm. The lunar eclipse occurs in your 3rd house indicating you may need to communicate more effectively with those close to you, or will be forced to contend with information you have to process emotionally.
Wheel of Fortune + 8th House
Your cards show there are no easy, direct answers this month, Gemini. Many planets being in the upper half of the Gemini chart shows an inclination to be focused on others. Pay attention to how the fate of others impact your outcomes. The resources others have, the knowledge others have, the experiences others have can help you find direction. As a free spirit, you tend to use others as a source to converse with, not as a source of guidance. However, you may feel that you have no choice but to allow others to play a part in your progress this month. The 8th house card aligns with the fact that 60% of planets will be in or move to the 8th house this month. The lunar eclipse occurs in your 2nd house indicating that collaborating and relying on those close to you may be more important than independence.
Page of Cups + Jupiter
You've not felt as tied to your responsibilities lately and have been enjoying some sense of freedom. However, there are some planets lingering that can be impacting health (mental or physical). It's best that you not wait until situations become worse to take action. You'll be your best self when you've taken care of yourself. The lunar eclipse occurs in Cancer this month in your 1st house. Evading emotions, hiding emotions can cause you to project these issues onto the world. The 1st house is our public image, so ensure your emotions don't color the perceptions people have of you by proactively facing your feelings before things become too much. Retreating away may feel like the safest thing now, but there is energy showing there are people around you who will help you if you let them.
Death Card (Reversed) + Neptune
Since last year, you've had to contend with deeper commitments and responsibilities. Many of you are going through a period of discovery and transformation. This is especially important since your lunar eclipse in Cancer occurs in your 12th house, a very hidden and spiritual house. This coincides with you getting the Neptune card, the ruler of the 12th house. Also, Neptune has been in your 8th house [the Death card is linked to the 8th house] for several years. You may feel a sense of wanting to understand more about life or your purpose. This is an very internal process you must undergo but if feeling lost, finding people who have an understanding of spirituality can help you feel less confused. Though you prefer the light and the happiness that life can provide, going through this period will help you better understand life and others in a more in depth way as opposed to only surface level.
Queen of Swords (Reverse) & Cancer
Sifting through the details and the specificity of everything is what usually drives you. However, we all have to deal with our feelings at some point or another. Reconnecting with those you have emotional ties to may be important this month. In fact, you may feel less "Virgo", and more like a Water sign in some ways. This is good because it forces you to not just analyze, but also "feel" which brings an extra layer to your keen awareness. The lunar eclipse occurs in your 11th house of groups, associations and friendships. Revisiting friends, reconnecting with friends, or reevaluating the state of certain relationships can become important lessons for interpersonal growth. Finances improve after the 13th when Venus enters Pisces.
The Sun + Scorpio
You may have to approach this month by processing your true feelings, while also saving face and appearing strong. The lunar eclipse occurs in your 10th house of career. This brings about reevaluation for some regarding your career or public image. This is likely to be something you've already thought about before but that you simply feel more intensely this month. This doesn't lead to making impulsive decisions, but rather helps you identify if where you are matches what you feel. The Scorpio card showing up in your reading shows a need to be strong-willed and loyal to what you feel inside. This is a lesson to help you not straddle the fence of indecisiveness but see how your actions truly affect your life so that you can feel more confident and empowered later on.
The Moon (Reverse) + Leo
It's hard to tell what you feel based on it being a very internal process. This month you may need to open up more to those around you. You have a very busy fourth house, especially as the Sun enters the 4th house on the 20th forcing some of you to feel you need to improve aspects of the family for the collective. The lunar eclipse in Cancer occurs in your 9th house of higher learning, beliefs, travel, etc. indicating some realization of aligning what you do with your morals, or internalizing when you have to shift your feelings and explore new horizons. This month is about allowing yourself to engage more with things outside of yourself in order to gain.
Page of Swords (Reverse) + 9th House
The 9th house rules Jupiter & your sign so it's only fitting this card comes up to show that you may feel more in your element, especially at the start of the month. You've over situations where you felt you had to do a lot of compromising and deliberating. Many of you have started to look your finances differently as Jupiter in Cap entered your 2nd house last month. Mars joins your 2nd house this month making you feel even more motivated to acquire security. However, the lunar eclipse occurs in the 8th house which is linked to depth, intense feelings, inheritance, control, etc. This could have an intense impact on your emotions because this is double Water energy. You may have to face feelings you have about areas in your life where there is an issue with control. Perhaps this is an area where you haven't allowed for enough reflection to understand how your emotional attitude to something truly influences you.
8 of Wands + Venus
There is a lot of self-actualization on the horizon even for those who have commitments to others. 8 of Wands shows more optimism and you've gotten signs to be more expressive these days. Due to activity in your 1st house of identity, you may feel torn when the lunar eclipse occurs in your 7th house of partnership (epiphany about your relationships). Interestingly enough, Venus card shows up for you and the eclipse is occurring in the house it rules. You may feel confident in your personal pursuits, but also have to pay attention or simply become aware of one of the relationships in your life. A Saturn-Pluto true conjunct (both in Capricorn) can impact you in modes of dealing with conflict and power so it's important to not get into unnecessary power struggles, while still standing your ground on what is important.
10 of Pentacles Reversed + 10th House
Both of your cards this month indicate themes related to reliability & Earthy energy. 10 of Pentacles is reversed so it's referring to feeling a lack of grounding in some area. The lunar eclipse in Cancer takes place in your 6th house of health, service and routine. This is an Earth house so this month you should pay close attention to the habits and routines you have in order to see what changes may need to be made. Keep in mind, you're also dealing with some spiritual energy indicated by 12th house placements and also the Sun and Mercury move into your sign this month. However, this presents the perfect opportunity to face reality and troubleshoot new ways of doing things to provide more structure in certain areas of your life.
King of Pentacles + Pluto
People have been experiencing a different type of you in the past year or so. You've been more outgoing in some area and beginning to tap into ways to bring what you care about to the surface. Mars moves into your 10th house of career on the 3rd, providing optimal opportunities to shine or be perceived as progressive and inspirational in your approach to how you do something. In fact, some of you could surprise people this month. The lunar eclipse takes place in your 5th house of fun leading to reflection on how you've been handling your social life lately. You could feel as though you've been missing out, or you've been relying too much on outward stimulation to make you feel happy when you need to take advantage of the placements creating more structure and ambition these days.