Thursday, April 30, 2020

May Astrology for the Collective

May 6th
North Node in Gemini 
This is a big event because the North Node collective karmic experience moves from the family-oriented, security based nature of Cancer and into the nature of communication and information of Gemini.  During the North Node in Cancer there was a collective interest in self-care and being aware of our emotions and those of others. We can continue to embrace those concepts,  but there may be more of a renewed interest in knowledge, information, and different modes of communication. The focus shifts to prioritizing information and maintaining objectivity which will be very important to navigating the current global climate that we are experiencing. The North Node shift allows us to collectively value curiosity, learning and initiating conversation  brings people closer to understanding.

May 7th
Full Moon in Scorpio
The New Moon in Taurus allowed you to identify and assess your stability and create new goalposts for feeling more grounded. The Full Moon in Scorpio grants the opportunity to become more permanently attached to recent decisions you've made. It provides the opportunity to bring everything that has been built, planned, or developed into an actual part of your emotional psyche. It's now not just about what you have done, but what you have internalized and made yours.

May 11
Saturn Retrograde (RX)  in Capricorn 
Saturn has been busy a lot with the intense Pluto conjunction that has caused major shifts and  forced people to face some unpleasant realities. In RX, Saturn is not all doom and gloom. There is an attempt to bring back up lessons or situations faced in the past. Now, if you remember them and learned from them, you may feel more prepared. If you let the lesson and obstacle pass you by without learning your lesson, this may be your chance. Since Saturn is in Aquarius, for the collective, this may mean society is asked to look at what has already been seen or taught as the past as a clue to the  work that should be done now. Re-teaching a lesson that had been lost or that needs to be seen again can occur.

May 11
Mercury in Gemini
Mercury moves into Gemini before the Sun does meaning that the Taurus Sun/Mercury Gemini combo presents an aura of rigidness, while also being flexible when it comes to the flow of ideas. Mercury in Gemini peaks our curiosity and  need to share with others our thoughts good or bad. Instead of only valuing or contending with our own opinions, we may become more open to the infinite possibilities and the need to spark conversation that presents more than one perspective.


May 13 
Mars in Pisces                                              
Mars in Pisces means people being more willing to do what they actually desire or want to do. Pisces energy speaks to our fantasies, wishes, and wants. Acts of compassion  related to people's vision may be heightened during this transit.  The spirit of this energy is truly aligned  visualizing and acting on the vision. However, watch out for lapses in tending to responsibilities. While being overly inspired and idealistic, we can't lose sight of the effort and work that must be done in tandem with our true desires.

May 13
Venus Retrograde in Gemini
Venus has already been in Gemini since last month. When Venus is in Retrograde it often produces an opportunity to reevaluate how we interact with who and what we value. We may question the meaning and the perceptions we have created in our relationships and finances. Since it's in Gemini, we have the opportunity to communicate and acquire new information as we seek answers while potentially developing new attachments.  We may be faced with new facts or information that allow us to either question or solidify. We should typically not make any permanent changes in appearance or be too lavish with money during a Venus RX.  Seeing which house your Venus is transiting will provide insight to which area of your life is most impacted.

May 14
Jupiter Retrograde (RX) in Capricorn
Retrograde energy often compels us to look back and revisit something. Jupiter is considered a beneficial planet that bestows luck. A Jupiter RX forces us to look a little closer to the areas of our lives which may appear "easier" than others. Unlike Saturn, Jupiter gives luck or something we typically don't have to work too hard on.   Jupiter is in Capricorn which means we are going to potentially review our work ethic, our traditions, or what we view as hard work. We may learn to value different ways of doing things as a reminder. Jupiter RX can shed light on knowledge of insight that has been missed or needs more attention for it to really be impactful.

May 20
Sun in Gemini
Moving from the steady foundation of Taurus we now enter the curious, free-spirited Gemini based persona. We are now in the same sign as the North Node. Gemini season increases communication, information seeking and general curiosity. Where you may have used Taurus season to find your newfound routines, or sense of stability whichever way you could, Gemini Sun energy allows for us to explore new ideas or learning to add to our tooklit of knowledge and information seeking.

May 28
Mercury in Cancer
The card that comes to mind with this placement is the 6 of Cups in tarot related to joy and memory. Mercury in Cancer allows us to not focus on the facts and what is in front of us like Mercury wants but to connect to nostalgia and thoughts which bring us closer to remembering. Elements of history may come at this time since Cancer energy is linked to history and with the Sun in Gemini, more people may feel compelled to talk, express, or be engaged in looking back into the past to make meaning of their lives or society in general.

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